Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to work with two women, one a new acquaintance and one a long-time client, as they grapple with owning and claiming their full power and the power of their work. They shared a common problem with all of the women I work with –...
Have you ever worried about speaking your loudest, most radical version of you? Me, too. I’m a radical feminist and I’m done shutting off my voice. It’s been a hot topic for me lately. Over the last two weeks, I’ve talked with my besties, my coaches, my...
Chip away at the status quo – stand up for your values. I had lunch today with one of my young clients, Haley. She and her dad had had a conversation about why it’s not accepted practice to reveal the reasons for the gaps in our work experience on our actual...
Are you a rule breaker or a rule follower? Have you ever spent any time thinking about the function of rules in different settings? I’ve always been a rule breaker wrapped in a thin veneer of rule follower. The other day as I was listening to a podcast episode about...
One of my career values is working at the frontiers of knowledge which explains my interest in technology and the latest in brain science and human development. And yesterday, as I was posting our latest Uniquely Brilliant podcast episode on YouTube, several TED Talks...