5 Ways to Become More Adaptable at Work

5 Ways to Become More Adaptable at Work

“It is not the strongest of the species, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the ones that are the most adaptable to change.” – Charles Darwin (1860’s) Are you surprised that adaptability has become the key predictor of success in our current...
Zombie Apocalypse scare you? Try graduating without a job!

Zombie Apocalypse scare you? Try graduating without a job!

It’s the scariest time of year. Wherever you see a group of college seniors gathered you hear anxious whispers: “What are you doing after graduation? I don’t have a job yet! Do you?” Followed by, “It’s so overwhelming! I can’t even figure out where to start!” Escape...
You don’t have to know before you go.

You don’t have to know before you go.

This is my 7th career. Yes, seventh. And it wasn’t part of some grand career plan. I never planned to become a career coach, certainly not in college! The only coaches we knew about in college were athletic coaches. Actually, I didn’t have a career plan when I...
Who Are You? Who Needs to Know?

Who Are You? Who Needs to Know?

How do you stand out from the crowd of people out there applying for jobs? Know who you are and how to talk about you. Some people call this understanding your personal brand. I call it understanding and presenting your story. Depending on the stage of your life, it...