It’s the scariest time of year. Wherever you see a group of college seniors gathered you hear anxious whispers: “What are you doing after graduation? I don’t have a job yet! Do you?”
Followed by, “It’s so overwhelming! I can’t even figure out where to start!”
Escape the Zombie Apocalypse!
This post is for you out there worrying about what’s next. Escape the zombie apocalypse of no job by following my strategy. It’s hard, so this is a long post. Sure, I could condense it down, but that doesn’t do you or the process justice. Finding your first job doesn’t happen instantly. It takes research, work, perseverance and a strategy. Let’s go.
Share your goals!
Yep. Goals. The key to getting started is to create a plan around career search goals. Having goals keeps you motivated, gives you a way to track progress, and keeps you on track. So here are basic SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time bound) goals for your career search. Btw, businesses assess performance based on SMART goals so now’s a good time to learn about them.
Hey, for these goals to work for you, research shows that it’s critical to share them with someone you trust who supports you. Don’t forget. We all need support to escape the zombies!
Invest your time in you.
- SMART Goal: I will invest 4 hours a day, 5 days a week on my career search.
Pick how much time you invest based on the time you have available. This goal is the key. The old saying that looking for a job is a job is true, so be prepared to invest hours every day working on your search.
- SMART Goal: I will invest 4 hours a day, 5 days a week on my career search.
- SMART Goal: By xxxx date, I will have found and taken 3 personality and career assessments.
Search around and take some free personality and career assessments. They help you find compelling ways to describe you and your work. Use their results in your LinkedIn summary, elevator pitch and cover letters.
- SMART Goal: By xxxx date, I will have found and taken 3 personality and career assessments.
Explore that company you’ve always wanted to work for!
- SMART Goal: I will invest 1 hour a day, 3 days a week exploring companies and careers that look interesting to me.
Use the information about your skills and your personality to find companies that you want to work for. Don’t forget to explore that company you’ve always wanted to work for!! - SMART Goal: I will invest 1 hour a day, 3 days a week working on my pitch.
- SMART Goal: I will have my 30 second elevator pitch ready on ____________.
Research the best way to create your brand/elevator pitch and get started on yours.
- SMART Goal: I will invest 1 hour a day, 3 days a week exploring companies and careers that look interesting to me.
Gain an edge with LinkedIn!
- LinkedIn: 96% of recruiters look for people on LinkedIn. Only 13% of millennials are on LinkedIn. Do the math. Give yourself an edge.
SMART Goal A: I will invest 1 hour a day, 3 days a week learning how to create an effective LinkedIn profile. Once you’ve completed A, go to B.
SMART Goal B: I will invest 1 hour a day, 3 days a week creating my LinkedIn profile. Now move on to C.
SMART Goal C: I will invest ½ hour a day, 3 days a week reading articles posted in my LinkedIn groups and working on building my connections. - SMART Goal: I will invest 1 hour a day, 3 days a week researching résumés and cover letters.
Research how to write effective résumés and cover letters. Don’t ask your parents or friends, research it!! - SMART Goal: I will invest 1.5 hours a day, 2 days a week creating effective résumés and cover letters.
Notice it says résumés and cover letters, plural. Create a targeted resume and cover letter for every job you apply for. If you don’t, you’re wasting your time.
- LinkedIn: 96% of recruiters look for people on LinkedIn. Only 13% of millennials are on LinkedIn. Do the math. Give yourself an edge.
Put your work to use. Network.
- SMART Goal: I will invest 1 hour a day, 2 times a week, actively networking using my elevator pitch and marketing materials.
Create a networking routine (you created a LinkedIn networking routine in step 5). Jump the hurdle of talking about yourself and your work goals to others.
I can help you escape the Zombie Apocalypse.
If you need help escaping the zombie attack, contact me. It’s what I do. Group coaching is coming soon (both in person and live webinars). Find out all about it by signing up for my newsletter.
Read. Watch Learn.
Read: Read: The 11 Best Career Quizzes to Help You Find Your Dream Job
Watch: Watch: