Tell the truth. Own your values.

Tell the truth. Own your values.

Chip away at the status quo – stand up for your values. I had lunch today with one of my young clients, Haley. She and her dad had had a conversation about why it’s not accepted practice to reveal the reasons for the gaps in our work experience on our actual...
Go With the Flow

Go With the Flow

In our most recent episode, 147, of our Uniquely Brilliant podcast, Diana and I tackled the challenge of figuring out how to get to the next place when we don’t know what the next place is. As you can imagine, this topic stemmed from a conversation about making...
Do a Perspective Check

Do a Perspective Check

Have you ever felt stuck? When I get stuck, it’s usually because I’ve lost perspective on whatever situation I find myself in. Diana Bader, my podcast cohost, and I started talking about it one day and decided to carry it over to Episode 127 of our podcast, Uniquely...
Mindset Check: Never Settle

Mindset Check: Never Settle

This week I had the opportunity to tackle a task I’ve been putting for two full years – writing a speech. I know – it’s hard to believe that I’ve been putting off something that involves talking, but there it is. It’s not even that I didn’t have a topic. I’ve been...
Just Start Over

Just Start Over

Has this ever happened to you? You’re working on a project and you just can’t get it right. So you decide to trash it and act like it never existed. Yeah. Me, too. But what if, instead of trashing all that work, we decided to start over? So, this week I was talking to...