Paralyzed by fear? Do this.

Paralyzed by fear? Do this.

Have you ever been so paralyzed by fear that you can’t even catch your breath? You feel like somebody let out all the air in your body? It happened to me this morning. I’m not sure either of these events should have thrown me into such fear, but they did. First, I...
18 for 2018

18 for 2018

I heard about an excellent activity on the Happier with Gretchen Rubin podcast. Gretchen Rubin is a writer who studies happiness, and one of her happiness strategies is for people to create Happiness Projects. In Episode 147, Gretchen shared a voice memo from a...
How to Deliberately Deploy the Kind Voices in Our Heads

How to Deliberately Deploy the Kind Voices in Our Heads

I don’t know about you, but I see a lot of articles about extinguishing the voices in our heads. A whole lot. I’m proposing a different take on those voices. What if we think about using those voices as strategic tools to carry us forward in our lives and our work?...
What amazing reality are you manifesting?

What amazing reality are you manifesting?

Our thoughts create our reality. It’s a provocative idea, isn’t it? Every time I hear it, I also hear “You are what you eat” in my head. The statements have something in common: we are in control. In Episode 92 of our Uniquely Brilliant podcast*, Diana Bader and I...
Don’t listen to them!

Don’t listen to them!

Last week I wrote about using assessments to help you create new ways to both think and talk about yourself. This week I’m writing about a different type of talk. Silence the naysayers! This week, I’m writing about something even more important. Shutting down...