Patience: The Antidote to Settling

Patience: The Antidote to Settling

Patience is the antidote to settling. The impetus for writing this blog came from coaching several clients who thought they had to settle for any job they were offered. I wish this were a new problem. As a matter of fact, I wrote about it 2 years ago. It’s so...
The Dastardly Golden Handcuffs Trap

The Dastardly Golden Handcuffs Trap

What exactly are golden handcuffs? The phrase was coined in the 1970’s to identify deferred benefits (bonuses, options, etc.) that companies offered highly paid and valuable employees to keep them from leaving their companies. Golden handcuffs are a subject my clients...
The Absolute Perils of Being Stuck in the Familiar

The Absolute Perils of Being Stuck in the Familiar

Did you ever think to yourself, “Why am I still doing this?” It might be sticking with a job you don’t like or an old habit, or hanging around with friends that tear you down. It’s so easy to do. I know I do it. I stick with old familiar patterns and habits while...
Rise Up and Embrace Change!

Rise Up and Embrace Change!

I saw the movie Hidden Figures recently. It’s the story of the black women “computers” who did the calculations for NASA during the  1960’s. Yes, you read that correctly, the women were referred to as “computers.” Women. Computers. Interesting. From the time engineers...
How to destroy “less than” thinking forever!

How to destroy “less than” thinking forever!

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone about their work and found yourself wondering what on earth they were talking about? How did you feel in that moment? Did you feel left out? Even worse, did you feel out-of-touch and small? Did you wonder how you got...