Spring. Sunny days, clear, dry air. You want to be outside all the time. But you have to work, right?
Bloom! There it goes!
Has this ever happened to you? You’re working on a project, not quite sure of where you’re going with it or how it fits into your work or life, when, BOOM, you look out the window at the gorgeous weather and you’re off – thinking about vacay or being outside. You check the weather; see an ad for a fabulous vacation spot, then another, then another, completely losing track of what you were doing in the first place. Not to mention why you were doing it! Do you have ADHD? Probably not.
It happens to me every single day and not just in the spring! I know I can’t build the career I want if I keep losing focus. I know it. I even teach it!! I just can’t seem to stay focused either. And I know why.
Know why you’re doing it.
The key is in the first paragraph. “Not quite sure of where you’re going with it.” It’s so hard to focus on something when you’re not crystal clear on why you’re doing it. Right? Rocket science.
A couple of weeks ago I realized that if I continued like this I’ll be in trouble real soon. Then the answer was delivered straight to my inbox.
The answer? A coach. Please don’t laugh. Really, stop it! I get the irony. Yes, the coach needs a coach. A lot. Why?
Get help.
I need a coach to help me find my way through the overwhelming morass of information about how to build a business. Yep. Building a business is as overwhelming as looking for a new career. Oh, wait!! It is a new career for me and I’m building a business! And, it’s all on me!
Accountability + Focus = Progress
I need the same thing most people need from their coaches: accountability, help developing a plan, accountability, brainstorming marketing ideas, accountability, help overcoming obstacles, accountability, and, yes, FOCUS. Focus in the form of a clear plan that leads to a specific goal – complete with the things I have to do to get there. A plan coupled with accountability to a coach so that I work it. A plan that, when executed, will take me to the next level.
Are you overwhelmed with figuring out your next career move? Do you find it hard to focus because you just can’t find the path? Hire a coach. Like me.
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Read: Pick 3 Things