Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to work with two women, one a new acquaintance and one a long-time client, as they grapple with owning and claiming their full power and the power of their work. They shared a common problem with all of the women I work with –...
That piece of head trash, it impacts how we experience the world. It impacts how events occur to us. We see things as evidence of what we believe to be true. – Erin Pheil I heard this last week as I was listening to a favorite podcast, Productive Flourishing. The...
Really. Stop. Polishing the glass ceiling is insidious because we don’t even realize we’re doing it. It happens when we ask a question, ask for permission, look for validation or apologize for taking a risk. I did it this morning with my own 25 year old son, Ken. I’m...
Remember the cobra, Kaa, in The Jungle Book (1967) movie and his borderline creepy song Trust in Me? His weird blue and yellow eyes hypnotized Mowgli into doing whatever he said. How many times have you found yourself trusting other people more than you trust...
Lately I’ve been talking to a lot of people who are frustrated with the way their lives are going. One has been looking for a new job, but keeps getting sick – like needing surgery sick. One is experiencing the frustration of learning to work within new physical...