That piece of head trash, it impacts how we experience the world. It impacts how events occur to us. We see things as evidence of what we believe to be true. – Erin Pheil I heard this last week as I was listening to a favorite podcast, Productive Flourishing. The...
This week I had the opportunity to tackle a task I’ve been putting for two full years – writing a speech. I know – it’s hard to believe that I’ve been putting off something that involves talking, but there it is. It’s not even that I didn’t have a topic. I’ve been...
I thought that title would pique your interest. So, I’m in the shower this afternoon (it was a work at home til 3 kind of day) and I look at the squeegee and say to myself, “I’m not going to squeegee the shower today.” Which was immediately followed by, “I squeegee...
Have you ever thought something like this – “I would love to change up my [job/life/relationship], but I’m really okay where I am. The [benefits/pay/people/lifestyle] make up for everything about it that I don’t really like”? Did you catch those really’s? They...
What exactly are golden handcuffs? The phrase was coined in the 1970’s to identify deferred benefits (bonuses, options, etc.) that companies offered highly paid and valuable employees to keep them from leaving their companies. Golden handcuffs are a subject my clients...