Strengths, people, strengths

Strengths, people, strengths

So, I’m reading the Harvard Business Review this morning. Their cover story is Why Feedback Fails. I laugh. I laugh because I know why feedback fails in businesses – for the same reason it fails in school and in life in general. Feedback fails when...
Of Vinaigrettes and Yoga

Of Vinaigrettes and Yoga

If you’re not breathing, it’s a circus trick. – Sonya This first time I heard Sonya say that in yoga, I unlocked my jaw, stopped biting my lip, gulped for air, then burst out laughing. Obviously, it struck a chord with me. About the 12th time I heard it, I...
Stop polishing the glass ceiling

Stop polishing the glass ceiling

Really. Stop. Polishing the glass ceiling is insidious because we don’t even realize we’re doing it. It happens when we ask a question, ask for permission, look for validation or apologize for taking a risk. I did it this morning with my own 25 year old son, Ken. I’m...
How to Trust Yourself

How to Trust Yourself

Remember the cobra, Kaa, in The Jungle Book (1967) movie and his borderline creepy song Trust in Me? His weird blue and yellow eyes hypnotized Mowgli into doing whatever he said. How many times have you found yourself trusting other people more than you trust...
Ask for Help: It Will Save You

Ask for Help: It Will Save You

I’m always puzzled when a client is reluctant to ask for help. Maybe that’s because I built one of my careers on asking for help. When my husband, Bo, and I started our software company I became an instant product manager – meaning that I had to learn a bunch of...
You ARE Doing Everything Right

You ARE Doing Everything Right

Lately I’ve been talking to a lot of people who are frustrated with the way their lives are going. One has been looking for a new job, but keeps getting sick – like needing surgery sick. One is experiencing the frustration of learning to work within new physical...