The Life Changing Magic of Breaking Rules

The Life Changing Magic of Breaking Rules

Are you a rule breaker or a rule follower? Have you ever spent any time thinking about the function of rules in different settings? I’ve always been a rule breaker wrapped in a thin veneer of rule follower. The other day as I was listening to a podcast episode about...
Agency vs Control: It’s all about influence

Agency vs Control: It’s all about influence

Recently, Diana and I were discussing topics for our podcast, Uniquely Brilliant. When I brought up the idea of exploring agency and its impact on our lives, Diana said she’d never heard agency used in that context. This gave me pause, because, to me, understanding...
5 Awesome Strategies for Taming the Overwhelm

5 Awesome Strategies for Taming the Overwhelm

Have you researched anything on the interwebs lately? A pair of shoes, a book, a car, a college? Did you find great answers quickly? Or, did you find yourself drowning in a sea of options with no decision in sight? Who could have possibly imagined that one day we’d...
Essentialism: Just Say No

Essentialism: Just Say No

There’s been a consistent theme this week among my clients, my friends, and my life: the need to pare back on what we’re doing. The problem with paring back on what we’re doing is that we have to set priorities and say no to doing things that don’t match them. Which...
Compassion and Loving-Kindness

Compassion and Loving-Kindness

I woke up this morning thinking about grace. One of its definitions on Merriam-Webster online is a “disposition to or an act or instance of kindness, courtesy, or clemency.” When I think of grace, I also think of compassion and loving-kindness as represented in this...
Vital Advice: Trust Yourself

Vital Advice: Trust Yourself

I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted from the volume of information about how to have the best marriage, raise the best kids, build a multi-million dollar business, turbo charge our careers, and lose weight. Like we’re supposed to trust these random people who...