Burning Bridges or Setting Boundaries?

Burning Bridges or Setting Boundaries?

I remember an afternoon in Athens when I was meeting with a professor (he was gay, this isn’t about sex) – a favorite one – we were talking about a decision I’d made. Of course, 50 years later, I can’t remember which decision we were talking about. He looked and me...
Women as Ally Leaders

Women as Ally Leaders

Y’all. I cannot even believe this. In three short months, we’ll usher in the 2nd quarter of the 21st century. We’re working hard to build a brand new world, and a brand new world demands and requires a different form of leadership. As women continue to change the...
Break the Chains

Break the Chains

Recently, I’ve had the opportunity to work with two women, one a new acquaintance and one a long-time client, as they grapple with owning and claiming their full power and the power of their work. They shared a common problem with all of the women I work with –...
I’ve Never Recovered from COVID

I’ve Never Recovered from COVID

I’ve never recovered from COVID. I figured it out the other day as I found myself crying over our most recent book club selection: Wish You Were Here by Jodi Picoult. It’s a novel about COVID times. About all of COVID times, the uncertainty about the disease, the...
It Is Excellent to Receive As Well As Give – the Helpers

It Is Excellent to Receive As Well As Give – the Helpers

Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers) famously used his mom’s phrase “look for the helpers” to reassure children who were worried and scared after 9/11. He shared that when he was worried or scared about something that had happened, his mom told him to “Look for the helpers. There...