Slay your fears and do not settle

Slay your fears and do not settle

Have you ever thought something like this – “I would love to change up my [job/life/relationship], but I’m really okay where I am. The [benefits/pay/people/lifestyle] make up for everything about it that I don’t really like”? Did you catch those really’s? They...
Patience: The Antidote to Settling

Patience: The Antidote to Settling

Patience is the antidote to settling. The impetus for writing this blog came from coaching several clients who thought they had to settle for any job they were offered. I wish this were a new problem. As a matter of fact, I wrote about it 2 years ago. It’s so...
Decision Fatigue Will Flatten You

Decision Fatigue Will Flatten You

I suffer from decision fatigue big time. It occurred to me that it was time to write about this as I contemplated my semi-annual move to lose the ten pounds I put on during most years. It may not sound like significant weight gain, but ever since I lost 50 pounds 8...
What amazing reality are you manifesting?

What amazing reality are you manifesting?

Our thoughts create our reality. It’s a provocative idea, isn’t it? Every time I hear it, I also hear “You are what you eat” in my head. The statements have something in common: we are in control. In Episode 92 of our Uniquely Brilliant podcast*, Diana Bader and I...
The Incredible Benefits of Rejecting Conventional Wisdom

The Incredible Benefits of Rejecting Conventional Wisdom

It took me a long time to realize that experts can be wrong. They can be dead wrong. But it’s so hard to hear past all of those voices. I thought I’d share a couple of stories about what happens when we reject conventional wisdom. If you’ve read my posts, you probably...