Don’t Quit Your Job…Yet!

Don’t Quit Your Job…Yet!

It’s hard to stay in a job when you don’t feel valued or you’ve just outgrown it. Sometimes, though, it’s important to stay for just a little bit longer so you can stage your departure. I know, right? Sounds nuts. You’re done. They’re taking advantage of you;...
100,000 Jobs

100,000 Jobs

For 19 years Fortune has put together a list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For. This year’s companies on the list have over 100,000 job openings. It’s an amazing collection of information. So how can you use the list? Explore companies. Have you heard of Cooley,...
I confess. I’m an addict.

I confess. I’m an addict.

I’m addicted to change. For years, I’d work somewhere for 6 months, be bored out of my mind, quit, then find another job. Everyone told me I was nuts, I’d never find a good job if I didn’t stay at my jobs longer. Leverage your skills But I just couldn’t do it. I...
Who Are You? Who Needs to Know?

Who Are You? Who Needs to Know?

How do you stand out from the crowd of people out there applying for jobs? Know who you are and how to talk about you. Some people call this understanding your personal brand. I call it understanding and presenting your story. Depending on the stage of your life, it...
Getting Your Feet Wet on LinkedIn

Getting Your Feet Wet on LinkedIn

Why do I need to be on LinkedIn? Imagine a platform where the best cover letter you ever wrote and your amplified résumé work for you 24/7. Imagine it has access to colleges, companies, business experts, and people who work at those colleges and companies. It has...