Boundaries – They Won’t Let You Down

Boundaries – They Won’t Let You Down

One of the best things about coaching is the variety of issues that my clients encounter in both their work and home lives. The more I coach – and the longer I live – the more I understand that over 90% of the problems we encounter involve setting and communicating...
The Dastardly Golden Handcuffs Trap

The Dastardly Golden Handcuffs Trap

What exactly are golden handcuffs? The phrase was coined in the 1970’s to identify deferred benefits (bonuses, options, etc.) that companies offered highly paid and valuable employees to keep them from leaving their companies. Golden handcuffs are a subject my clients...
How autonomy makes you crazy motivated!

How autonomy makes you crazy motivated!

The human psyche requires 3 basic things to thrive: mastery, autonomy, and purpose. Last week I talked about the importance of being allowed to show competence (mastery) at work. So this week, I’m covering the second requirement – autonomy. If you think about...
How to Get Motivated and Be More Productive!

How to Get Motivated and Be More Productive!

I’m pretty sure we all agree that we perform better when we feel motivated. But have you ever thought about why motivation matters and how it’s linked to productivity? We look at motivation in all my client engagements, and the book I rely on to help describe and...
Will you try 5 times?

Will you try 5 times?

I was struck by this comment from Aly Raisman after she won the silver medal in the Women’s Individual All-Around competition at the Olympics, “The 5th time’s the charm!” Not the 3rd time, not the 1st, or 2nd time, or even the 4th, but the 5th time. How many times...