Tune-Up Technique Step 7: Show Your Best Self At Work

Tune-Up Technique Step 7: Show Your Best Self At Work

The 7-Step Tune-Up Technique comes down to this one question. How do you present your best self at work?  You’ve read the previous 6 posts and now it’s time to bring it all together. How do you line up your actions and your intentions so people see you as you want to...
Tune-Up Technique Step 6: Ask For Help Appropriately

Tune-Up Technique Step 6: Ask For Help Appropriately

People Want To Help You Succeed Why do you need to know how to ask for help? Isn’t the goal to be independent, self-directed, not needing anyone’s help? No, not really. The most successful people have mastered the art of asking for help. Some even say it has been...
Sometimes you need to change it up…

Sometimes you need to change it up…

I felt out of sync with my image. It’s been a crazy four months around here. I’ve been working hard, recruiting new clients, writing, writing, writing, learning to do a podcast, meeting new people, reading, reading, reading, and learning. While I was looking at my...