You sit down to start working – on homework, a project. You open the app you’ll be working in, and it happens. You remember there was this other thing you needed to get done. You rustle around on your desk and find that yellow sticky note where you wrote down the details.

What was I working on?

So you do the task on the sticky note. While you’re doing that task, you start thinking about your homework/project. Then you think about that other project that’s due next month and have some great ideas about how to do it. And you remember you’re supposed to hang with your bestie this weekend, and what did you decide to do? And you’ve totally forgotten what you were working on to begin with.

I don’t know about you, but this is exactly how my mind works. Maybe it’s age, maybe it’s ADHD, maybe it’s all the things I have on my plate. But one question remains. What are we supposed to do? How do we lasso our restless wandering minds and get something done?

Pick 3 Things

Pick 3 things. Every day, pick three things to get done that day. Not 5 things, not 7, 3. Write each item on a sticky note. One note – one item. Then do one of the items. Start it; finish it. Move to the next item. Start it; finish it. Repeat. When you’ve finished those 3, write down 2 new items on a sticky notes and complete them.

Oh, yeah. When you have one of those flashes of brilliance, jot it down on a sticky note, put it out of sight and finish the task you’re working on. You’ll be surprised at how much you get done.

Pick 3 things. Finish 3 things. Capture the flashes. Keep moving forward.

Go do ferocious work.



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