Everything In Its Own Time

Everything In Its Own Time

Lately, I’ve been confronted with the disconnect between the universe’s timing and mine. There are things that I feel like I need right now: MAD! Work/Space (the coworking space I started in March – YIKES!) filled with women working and connecting, to fully own the...
You’ve Got This

You’ve Got This

Recently I was asked to do a virtual presentation to a business networking group to provide motivation and encouragement for our membership of local small businesses. As I thought about what to talk about, this thought kept coming up, “What got you here will get...
Walk With the Light

Walk With the Light

From the end of December 2019. This week we have a new moon, an eclipse, and a new decade. It’s the perfect time to focus on embracing the light. Sounds great doesn’t it? It’s also hard. Here’s what I’ve learned through excruciating experience. I rarely recognize the...
Stop polishing the glass ceiling

Stop polishing the glass ceiling

Really. Stop. Polishing the glass ceiling is insidious because we don’t even realize we’re doing it. It happens when we ask a question, ask for permission, look for validation or apologize for taking a risk. I did it this morning with my own 25 year old son, Ken. I’m...
How to Trust Yourself

How to Trust Yourself

Remember the cobra, Kaa, in The Jungle Book (1967) movie and his borderline creepy song Trust in Me? His weird blue and yellow eyes hypnotized Mowgli into doing whatever he said. How many times have you found yourself trusting other people more than you trust...